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AP Government Students Celebrate Civic Learning Week at the Capitol

Advanced Placement Government Seniors and We the People State Showcase students Lena McKenney, Hannah Kaczmarek, Katie Freese, and Jen Suan traveled to the State Capitol on March 14th to represent Marian in celebrating Michigan’s official inaugural “Civic Learning Week  2024.”

Our Seniors showcased their constitutional knowledge through a simulated congressional hearing, testifying on issues of civic importance. They then engaged in a rigorous question-and-answer period to explore the depths of their Constitutional knowledge and various perspectives and provide insightful feedback. State Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks gave the keynote speech, and several Michigan House Representatives served as Judges on the simulated Congressional panel. These Mustangs, by their dedication to the study of the Constitution, have demonstrated exemplary civic knowledge, dispositions, and skills, making Marian proud. Go ‘Stangs!

  • Academics