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Pathway Program

Celebrate those who share in Marian High School's history – as alumnae, parents, students, or friends – to be celebrated with a personalized brick paver on the walkways of our campus. Bricks are engraved twice each year - in the spring and in the fall.



Reserve Your Brick


Your Namerequired
Prefix (optional)
First Name
Maiden (optional)
Last Name
Suffix (optional)
Your Relationship to Marianrequired
(if applicable)

Select Your Brick

  • 8" x 8" Bricks: Maximum 5 lines with 14 characters per line (includes spaces and punctuation)
  • 4" x 8" Bricks: Maximum 3 lines with 14 characters per line (includes spaces and punctuation)
Brick Choice

8" x 8"  Brick Personalized Message

Please type EXACTLY how you would like your paver to read. Maximum 5 lines with 14 characters per line (includes spaces and punctuation)

0 / 14
0 / 14
0 / 14
0 / 14
0 / 14

4" x 8"  Brick in Front Campus Personalized Message

Please type EXACTLY how you would like your paver to read. Maximum 3 lines with 14 characters per line (includes spaces and punctuation)

0 / 14
0 / 14
0 / 14

4" x 8"  Brick in Common Courtyard Personalized Message

Please type EXACTLY how you would like your paver to read. Maximum 3 lines with 14 characters per line (includes spaces and punctuation)

0 / 14
0 / 14
0 / 14

A member of our Advancement Team will be in touch to confirm your order and process payment.